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An Example of A Natural High Protein Shake

Great way to have a natural protein shake replacing with your over rated whey protein after your workout. Will provide more nutirents for your body.
Jerry Gagliano

by Jerry Gagliano

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Eat more protein! We need protein! Let's face it, with increased inflation it's tough to get cheap forms of high-quality protein. When we start exercising, we immediately think about protein powders. The cost of protein powders has significantly increased over the past few years. Do we really need these processed powders in our bodies? Why are there so many companies producing these powders? Isn't it better to spend your money on natural foods instead?

There are several ways to make great protein shakes without the need for protein powders. Your wallet and your body will both benefit from a homemade protein shake. Here is a nutritious, delicious, and cost-effective protein shake recipe that I love.


  • Banana
  • Frozen or fresh blueberries
  • Pumpkin Seeds
  • Hemp Seeds
  • Natural Peanut Butter or Nut Butter
  • Milk or Almond & Cashew Milk
  • Cinnamon (optiona)
  • Greek yogurt (optional)
  • Raw egg (optional and if your in the Rocky Balboa mood!)

The quantities of each ingredient will depend on your specific goals and taste preferences. For example, I include two tablespoons of nut butter. But you can put less if you are worried about calories. If you're not into milk and it's fine. You switch to almond or oat milk if you wish. I choose almond & cashew milk as it contains 8g of protein per cup. It all depends on your goals. If you are trying to lose fat then you can go with almond milk which contains fewer calories.

Pumpkin and hemp seeds are a great addition as they contain high-quality protein. They also have significant amounts of zinc, potassium, and omega-3 fats.

Pumpkin and hemp seeds contains good protein that required only a small amount of it. Maybe about one tablespoon of each. Not only these have high in protein but also contains zinc, potassium, Omega-3 that the body needs.


I am currently in a bulking phase. My shakes are around 700-900 calories, with about 30-35 grams of protein. However, you can reduce calories in your own shakes by reducing the amount of nut butter and seeds that you add. This shake is best enjoyed in the mornings as it will provide you with the essential nutrients you need to start your day right. It's a great alternative to the highly processed protein powders that you will find on supermarket shelves.

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